This Is Demolition, Pure And Simple
Restructuring? None.
- Let’s agree for one moment that USAID spent some of its money wastefully. The opposite is not committing negligent homicide on poor people all over the world.
- Let’s agree for one moment that banks are overregulated. (Even though every time in over a century they’ve been under regulated, they’ve gotten greedy and crashed the economy!) The opposite is not no regulation. To the point at which it instantly threatens the life savings of every middle-class American.
- Let’s agree for a moment that too much money is being allocated to developing green energy. The opposite is not penalizing people for promoting green energy. (And I say this as I happen to be in Bangkok, which has some of the worst pollution in the world right now. Believe me, if America starts getting swaddled in smog, a lot of people are going to stop thinking it’s only something Democrats and radicals really care about!) Also, Elon Musk–the world’s biggest advocate of electric vehicles–appears to be on board with this, as long as the Trump administration supports him shooting off rockets virtually every day with no government signoff needed, and of course colonizing Mars.
- Let’s agree for one moment that DEI policies were too “woke.” (Yeah, whatever that means…) The opposite is not scaring corporations into only hiring White men or facing Justice Department prosecution.
After considering those examples, and whatever more you’ve been offered and are going to be offered by the current government, let’s agree for more than a moment that regulation doesn’t automatically mean over-regulation and we all need it for some stuff like flying planes especially, or stopping the spread of bird flu, or halting chemical companies from freely pouring toxins wherever the hell they want, especially when pretty much any time industries have totally been left to regulate themselves in the history of this country, they’ve behaved very, very badly.
Including, in the last 25 years or so, where government basically didn’t touch Silicon Valley, allowing the development of monoliths. Partially because they didn’t understand the technology, so they didn’t understand the business. Now there’s someone running the country (along with Trump) who does, yet he’s full steam ahead calcify the monopolies, stop government from scrutinizing management and instead turn government against everybody and everything including those companies’ own workers. When they need to be busted up, just like AT&T. Busted up. Not put out of business.
Restructured. Not demolished. Demolition is easier, sure. And it’s probably more amusing, if that’s what you’re in it for. And it lets you freely envision turning Gaza into a golf course because you don’t get that those are people’s homes, whether physical structures exist or not.
Restructuring involves finesse. And unfortunately we’ve got two guys in power now who may be very smart, but do not have an ounce of that between them. None.