“I’m Not Gonna Blame Myself”

Trump’s Version Of Damage Control And Managing Expectations The President held two impromptu briefings with the media, both of which seemed to be designed to...

What’s Trump’s Strategy?

Trump Sets Off A (Virtual) Bomb In A (Virtual) Marketplace That Will Kill (Real) People Or as Vox’s Sarah Kliff more elegantly puts it: “Trump’s...

Trump And Nukes: What’s True?

Did He Or Didn’t He Call For A Tenfold Increase In America’s Nuclear Arsenal? Trump angrily denied an NBC news story claiming he called for...

Trump’s Only Substantive Tweet

Forget About How Democrats Want “Soft, Crime Producing Borders”, “Liddle” Bob Corker, Disrespectful NFL Players: There’s Only One Thing In Trump’s Latest Tweetstorms That Will...

The Power Of Having Nothing To Lose

Trump And Republican Senator Bob Corker Engage In Brutal Grappling. Neither Taps Out… Tennessee’s Bob Corker recently announced he’s not running for re-election in 2018, and...

Trump May Be About To Make Nobody Trust The U.S.

President Poised To Disrupt Iran Nuclear Deal, Even Though Iran Is Technically In Compliance According to the Washington Post, Trump will soon “decertify” the international...