Trump Supported Candidates Losing In Primaries Means Nothing
Yet again, most of mainstream media is getting this wrong

Let’s use Georgia as an example: where both the Governor, who Trump hates because he refused not to certify the election there, and the Secretary of State, who refused, at Trump’s recorded request, to “find” the number of votes that would’ve made Trump a winner there, both won their primaries. Easily. Despite Trump’s best efforts to get them unseated as revenge.
Why? Because Trump’s influence is waning? Because people aren’t afraid of him anymore? That’s what I keep reading.
And to which I say: no! That is so foolish and misguided. These wins mean nothing re: Trump.
Here’s what I think they do mean: people have pride in their state. Any state. Even New Jersey. Much more than they do so the country as a whole. So if someone who represents the big, ugly federal government comes in and tries to push them around, that’s a big “hell no”. Even if they at the same time love the person trying to push them around. Because they have pride in their state above and beyond.
So this is why it’s not surprising these two candidates (and more) won. Heck, it’s even probably why Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene won. More so than Trump. Sure she’s supported by Trump, but she won because she represents not getting pushed around by liberals in DC, in a way that very definitely reflects the pride of the constituents in her district.
Which means it means nothing as it pertains to Trump.
Many many many many people who supported the Governor and Secretary of State for not letting Trump push Georgia around, would absolutely vote for Trump should he run again for President. (I still think he’s unlikely to do this: yes, he loves campaigning, but he hates the job; too much work.)
But whatever. Nothing about Trump is waning. These candidates winning; Trump’s candidates losing are a sign of nothing vis-a-vis Trump. Commentators and whomever else: stop fooling yourselves. People just cared more about their state pride than they did about what Trump wants for their states. When/if he runs, they’ll care about “American Pride”, which he’s unequaled at whipping up.
See what I mean?