BREAKING NEWS BRIEF: Trump Calls Comey “Nut Job”, Comey Agrees To Testify
Shortly after the New York Times reported this afternoon President Trump called Comey “Crazy, a real nut job”, the Washington Post reported the former FBI director has decided to accept an invitation to appear in an open hearing before the Senate Intelligence Committee. That will happen after Memorial Day.
Trump’s Name-Calling Happened During Meeting With Russia’s Foreign Minister and Ambassador The Day After Comey Firing
According to the Times, the President discussed his decision to fire Comey with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov and Ambassador Kislyak, explaining: “I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.” He also made a point of informing the Russian pair during their Oval Office visit, “I’m not under investigation.”
The source: notes of the meeting compiled by an American official who was there. The White House did not initially dispute the Times’ account. Press Secretary Sean Spicer said “Comey had put unnecessary pressure on the president’s ability to conduct diplomacy with Russia.”
What’s Most Shocking About This Is Trump’s Buddy-Buddy Tone With The Russians
Especially at a time when the President’s been trying to prove he’s not in any kind of super-cozy relationship with them or their leader. (The content of the conversation itself just underscores what’s already pretty clear: Trump and Comey really don’t like each other. And Trump certainly isn’t the first President to use colorful language in the Oval Office.)
One Thing’s For Sure: Comey’s Gonna Get Huge Ratings
As we’ve pointed out before, if Comey is out for revenge, getting huge ratings (which he almost certainly will) should infuriate Trump, perhaps as much as anything Comey might have to say.