Trump Always Thinks People Are Endorsing Him

Just because they say nice things to him on the phone

This is pretty clearly what happened with JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, who just said he isn’t endorsing Trump following Trump saying he is. As well as Jeff Zuckerberg, who according to Trump told him “there’s no way I can vote for a Democrat.”

Because why wouldn’t they? If you’re a business leader, there is value to keeping Trump on your good side, just in case he gets elected.

And it’s so easy. Especially if you have direct access to Trump. Because all you got to do is say something nice about him, to him. Costs you nothing. And the most powerful US bank CEO naturally feels it’s important to have a voice on monetary and corporate policy in the event Trump wins.

You don’t have to go full Elon Musk. Of course these business leaders are also aware Trump always blows things out of proportion, and likes to talk publicly about things people have told him privately in meetings or on the phone. Even if he makes some of these things up.

And there’s no reason to believe he is here. Because of course Jamie Dimon is going to butter Trump up on a phone call. It’s Trump who’s either not, or choosing not to recognize the casual nature of that kind of conversation. And Dimon’s managing the life the conversation has taken on for Trump. Easy.

Of course, even while saying Facebook’s chief supports, Trump continues to threaten Zuckerberg with prison if he repeats what he did in 2020, which was really just give money away to help people figure out ways to make voting go more smoothly in the face of COVID, but Trump saw it–or at least characterized it–as an attack and an affront and even maybe treason. Zuckerberg isn’t doing same this year.


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