I’ve been writing a lot about the apparent naivete of the media in the wake of Trump’s first moves in office. Because it’s the same misguided things over and over again.
I mean, don’t you get it? Even a little?!
Politico, again:
“Trump May Come to Regret His Jan. 6 Pardons. Here’s Why.”
The premise being at least some of the more violent of the 1,500 or so January 6th perps Trump released suddenly, en masse, are very likely to commit crimes again. “Violent and more serious” crimes. And that–per Politico’s thesus–could cause problems for Trump. “Backlash”, according to Politico.
No. That’s what he wants. He needs them running free. They are his Storm Troopers. (And borrowing deniability from Elon Musk, I’m NOT talking about Nazis, um, I’m taking about Star Wars…)
Trump doesn’t care if his people wreak havoc; even kill people, as long as it’s in his name, doing things in the interests of what he supports. Which, after all, is what they were doing on January 6th.
So the January 6th criminals are far from being liabilities as the story posits. Not from Trump’s perspective. It’s a win-win, whether they stay out of trouble or they don’t. And that may all depend on whether he calls on them to act on his behalf, as he’s already done.
So “Trump…may come to regret the political costs of this decision [to release all January 6th criminals]” even the violent ones.” Don’t make me laugh. No regrets. None. No possibility of regrets. Only opportunity.
Also, Politico again insists “Trump is at the start of his second term, but it’s his last one.” Don’t make me laugh again. Because is it? What if he decides he wants another term? Who’s going to say no? Are you, Politico (and not just you,) then goinf to recoil in shock and surprise?
One final sort of unrelated thing I’ve been thinking about today: why is Trump putting such emphasis on renaming the Gulf of Mexico the “Gulf of America”? I mean, he’s already signed an Executive Order. When almost no undocumented immigrants enter the US from the Gulf, so really there’s no problem there and actually the name is kind of cool and also in English. Most undocumented immigrants at the Southern border come across the Rio Grande, a river, which divides the US from Mexico. If you’re going to rename anything, why not rename that? First of all, the name is in Spanish. Second of all, that’s the trouble spot. Why not rename it the “Trump River”? Someone put that idea into his head.
It’s a new day: Good Morning, Trumpland!